HR Payroll Analysis

HR Payroll Analysis

Utilize our AI-powered chatbot to analyze payroll information for employees. This tool reads a Google Sheet, providing valuable insights into your workforce.

Employee Data Insights

Our dataset includes detailed information on employees, such as:

  • Employee ID: A unique identifier for each employee.
  • Name: The full name of the employee.
  • Job Title: The job title or position of the employee.
  • Department: The department where the employee works.
  • Tax Code: The tax code assigned to the employee.
  • Hours Worked (Last Period): The number of hours the employee worked in the last pay period.
  • YTD Earnings: Year-to-date earnings for the employee.
  • PAYE Liability (Current Month): The Pay As You Earn (PAYE) liability for the current month.
  • Gross Salary: The gross salary for the current pay period.
  • Deductions: Total deductions for the current pay period.
  • Net Salary: The net salary after deductions for the current pay period.

Data Highlights

Sample Employee Records

  • Employee ID: 1001
    • Name: John Doe
    • Job Title: Software Engineer
    • Department: IT
    • Tax Code: 1250L
    • Hours Worked (Last Period): 160
    • YTD Earnings: 25000
    • PAYE Liability (Current Month): 2000
    • Gross Salary: 3000
    • Deductions: 1000
    • Net Salary: 2000
  • Employee ID: 1002
    • Name: Jane Smith
    • Job Title: Project Manager
    • Department: Operations
    • Tax Code: 1250L
    • Hours Worked (Last Period): 150
    • YTD Earnings: 22000
    • PAYE Liability (Current Month): 1800
    • Gross Salary: 2800
    • Deductions: 800
    • Net Salary: 2000

Explore the detailed Google Sheet here to understand the structure and content of the dataset.

Connect Your Data

Unlock the potential of your employee data by connecting your Google Sheet to our chatbot. This tool ensures your data remains synchronized and secure while providing powerful insights.

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