Amazon Sales Analyst

AI Amazon Sales Data Analysis

Utilize our AI-powered chatbot to analyze and manage your Amazon sales data effectively. This tool reads and writes data to a Google Sheet, providing valuable insights into your sales performance.

Amazon Sales Data Insights

Our dataset includes detailed information on Amazon sales, such as:

  • Order ID: A unique identifier for each order.
  • Product: The name of the product sold.
  • Category: The category of the product.
  • Sales: The total sales amount for the order.
  • Quantity: The number of units sold.
  • Order Date: The date when the order was placed.
  • Shipping Cost: The cost of shipping for the order.

Data Highlights

Sample Amazon Sales Records

  • Order ID: 112-3456789-1234567
    • Product: Wireless Mouse
    • Category: Electronics
    • Sales: $25.99
    • Quantity: 1
    • Order Date: 2024-06-15
    • Shipping Cost: $5.00
  • Order ID: 113-9876543-9876543
    • Product: Yoga Mat
    • Category: Sports
    • Sales: $30.00
    • Quantity: 2
    • Order Date: 2024-06-20
    • Shipping Cost: $7.00

Connect Your Data

Unlock the potential of your Amazon sales data by connecting your Google Sheet to our chatbot. This tool ensures your data remains synchronized and secure while providing powerful insights.

Explore the detailed Google Sheet here to understand the structure and content of the dataset.

Create Chatbot